Live your calling to the fullest in natural abundance
Living a fulfilled life aligned with our calling without financial worries is the most natural thing there is. Abundance is our natural state of being. We have simply forgotten how to access that state within ourselves and in our surroundings.
Living in our natural abundance means that we attract exactly the right people, inspiration, information, energy, time, situations, gifts, and (financial) resources at the right moment to do what we need to do from our calling. We do this effortlessly when we allow ourselves to relax into our natural vibration of abundance and live from our natural impulses; we do this effortlessly when we dare to be fully who we really are.
To do this, we need to unlearn who we think we are and reconnect with who we really are from the inside out. We need to let go of all our ideas about how we and our lives should be, including all our beliefs about success, status, wealth, value, happiness, good citizenship, good parenting, etc., etc.
Letting go of our deeply rooted beliefs about right and wrong, and becoming fully aware of ourselves again, can be quite challenging. This is because honestly being ourselves is often our greatest fear, especially in front of others. But the fact is that in our natural state of being we fully experience what we long for in life: We feel at home, connected and fulfilled. We experience peace and harmony, both within ourselves and with the world around us. We experience the life energy and deep inner joy of our natural state of abundance.
A full article on this subject was published in Dutch on You can find the English translation here.
Do you also want to fully live your calling from a place of natural abundance? Then you are warmly invited to book a professional Pure Alignment session.
About Isabelle
Isabelle has always been very perceptive and sensitive, but to connect with others she had to suppress these qualities for many years. In her legal career and marriage she experienced burnout and depression. She sees clearly if something is true, pure and flowing or not. She likes to see people sparkling as themselves, which she missed, foremost in herself. When she truly dared to start listening to herself, the mentioned complaints disappeared and life energy and joy reappeared in her life. Life always has surprises in store, but as a creator she now clearly sees her exact role and gifts in it. For many years now she has been guiding others to live their calling from natural abundance.
At the moment she is living her calling with her partner in Spain. The flow from the Netherlands to Spain in 2021 was magical. They are now setting up a multidimensional center in the mountains. Slowly but surely the soul dream she had decades ago is finding its place and form.
Pure Alignment sessions with Isabelle
At Pure Alignment you can participate in two types of private sessions: Pure Alignment Readings and Pure Alignment Shift sessions.
You are received and guided in a loving, clear consciousness to open up to who you truly are. Deep blockages, blind spots and everything that is impure are brought to light and your sparkle emerges. You become more and more open to your expanded (higher) self, your potential and gradually discover more and more fascinating aspects of yourself. Your life becomes fresh and exciting.
Purity, clarity and gentleness characterize the sessions. People say they feel truly seen and experience the sessions as profound, spot on and powerful. They feel alive again afterwards, experience a new fresh state and a deeper grounding. The intention of the sessions is always to gain clear experience of yourself in a much broader sense and to learn to see clearly how you are the creator of everything in your life. Afterwards you live more in line with who you truly are.
In a Pure Alignment Reading, I tune in to your higher self (you in a much broader sense) with the input of the theme and question(s) you have submitted. You will then receive exactly the clear insights and consciousness that you need at that moment. As a result, if you are open to fully receiving the reading, you will generally make a Pure Alignment Shift. You will receive the reading as an audio recording or text by email, depending on your preference. Listening to the recording or reading the text multiple times deepens and strengthens the Pure Alignment Shift. Since time and space are actually an illusion, we don’t necessarily have to be in the same physical space or have an online conversation when I tune into you. If you do choose a video call, the advantage is that you can ask additional questions in the moment. In that case, you will also receive an audio recording of the session.
A Pure Alignment Shift session is interactive via video call and consists of a Pure Alignment Reading as well as in-depth healing and coaching. If you have been struggling with a deep-seated blockage for a long time or if you want to make a significant shift, then this session is recommended. You will also receive a recording of the Pure Alignment Shift session. Of course, each session is tailored to your specific needs and exactly where you are at the moment.
The prices for a Pure Alignment Reading are:
- 15 minutes € 27.50
- 30 minutes € 55
Click here to request a Pure Alignment Reading
The prices for a Pure Alignment Shift are:
- 30 minutes € 55
- 60 minutes € 105
- 90 minutes € 155
Click here to request a Pure Alignment Shift session

Live sessions, where you physically meet with Isabelle, can be booked if she is in southern Spain or the Netherlands. Please contact her by email or WhatsApp (see icons on top of this site) to schedule this together.
Inviting Isabelle for a Pure Alignment group session on location is also possible.
For more information and to book a Pure Alignment Reading or Shift session please contact Isabelle. You can choose email or WhatsApp at the top of the site.