The success formula for living your calling without financial worries
Many women (and men) don’t dare to fully live their calling, because they believe they cannot make ends meet financially. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Here, I’ll tell you why you actually can’t have financial worries if you fully live your calling.
Our natural state of being is abundance
Our natural state of being is relaxed and open. We feel at ease in our bodies. We feel connected, peaceful and in harmony with what is. We experience that our life is flowing, that it is working for us. In this state I feel clear, fresh and fulfilled. A smile naturally appears on my face from within. My power switch is “on” and I see life clearly.
In this state I also feel clearly what self-expression wants to be from within. This natural desire for self-expression, these impulses, indicate our calling that wants to be lived at every moment. It makes itself known at every moment through clear insights and tangible passion in our body. When we start listening to these impulses and also act on them, magic returns to our lives. Things start flowing. Our life then begins to be filled with so-called coincidences. The right people, inspiration, information, time, gifts, (financial) resources, and situations find us at exactly the right moment. We see our natural connected state clearly reflected in our daily life. We experience abundance and see it reflected in every challenge, situation or encounter.
The success formula for natural abundance
The formula for experiencing our natural abundance at any time is as follows:
1. Act on your excitement, your passion, whatever is most exciting to you, in the moment. Do this every moment that you can.
2. Do this to the best of your ability. Take it as far as you can go until you cannot take it any further.
3. Act on your excitement/passion with absolutely no insistence, assumption or expectation of what the outcome should be.
4. Choose to remain in a positive state regardless of what happens.
5. Constantly investigate your belief systems. Release & replace the un-preferred beliefs: fear-based beliefs and the beliefs not in alignment with who you prefer to be.
This is the original formula given by Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka. It is not a theory, it is how universe fundamentally works. This article is about how it inspires and totally works out for me.
The broad concept of passion
The concept of passion in this formula is much more than just practicing our hobbies or doing what we feel like doing the most. It is different from pursuing so-called positive emotions and avoiding so-called negative ones. It is about doing what truly resonates with us at every moment; what is effective and works for us. It’s about doing what gives us the greatest life energy and essential joy; what truly makes us come alive. You know this through your intuition and feel it as passion, as being ‘turned on’ in your body. In short, you follow your inner calling.
How do I live my calling at every moment?
Optimally use all your talents, skills and possibilities. Be creative and resourceful. Go as far as you can with that. If there are moments when you cannot choose from the possibilities well, then it apparently doesn’t matter that much. Just choose and you will naturally experience in daily life whether you should continue with it or not; it flows or it doesn’t, it works for you or not. If you can no longer continue with the expression of your greatest passion, then you choose your next greatest passion of that moment, and so on. What you couldn’t do on that day, you apparently didn’t have to do. It’s as simple as that.
Beyond the traditional ‘you must work to earn money’ mindset
Our calling in life can indeed be about working on a business project or career, but it certainly doesn’t have to be, because our calling is so much more. If our calling is about doing at every moment what gives us the most life energy and fundamental joy, sometimes it simply involves the choice between taking a walk in the fresh air, reading an inspiring book or doing our bookkeeping. Sometimes, based on our calling, we choose to take a walk outside. It doesn’t sound logical when you think about earning money. Yet, it certainly is. Think about inventors who get their best ideas while standing under the shower or taking a walk.
The formula provides for everything
When you consistently follow your inner calling, you will always have all the resources you need to fully live your calling. Your natural state of being is abundance and the desire, the impulse from the inside out, for self-realization is inherent in everything. Everything wants to be the way it was meant to be, including us.
For example, you might choose to attend a friend’s enjoyable birthday party instead of dutifully creating a promotional advertisement for your business, because you need more customers. At the party someone excitedly tells you about Peru or while looking at their bookshelf your eye catches a magical book about Peru. Suddenly you feel a spark of excitement at the idea of going there. Initially you may think you don’t have the money or that you should keep both feet on the ground, but you can’t help picturing yourself there and feeling very happy about it. You know deep down that you have to go. Then an unexpected tax refund or a gift from an unexpected source makes your trip possible. Perhaps the next day you ‘coincidentally’ stumble upon an amazing women’s trip to Peru on social media, a trip you’ve always wanted to take and that inspires a successful business co-creation.
Beyond the limiting logic of our minds
So, by living our calling at every moment, we give space to the flow of our natural state of abundance. In this relaxed and open state, where we feel peace, harmony and fulfillment, we naturally attract exactly what resonates with our inner abundance in our external world.
Often, we have all kinds of limiting thoughts, especially unconsciously, that prevent us from listening to our calling. In this way we get in the way of our natural abundance. For example, you might think ‘I have to make a living and therefore need to work enough hours in my safe job before I can enjoy my passion’, or ‘I have to take care of my children first and only then can I focus on myself’, or ‘Making music, reading this inspiring book, taking a wonderful walk or calling my best friend doesn’t bring in any money’, etc. These are all limiting beliefs that block our natural abundance. Instead of the vibration of abundance they have that of scarcity and thus we see that (financial) scarcity reflected in our lives.
Radical honesty
Living in the flow of our natural abundance requires radical honesty. When we deny ourselves and don’t do what truly works for us, we step out of our natural state of abundance. We usually know very well whether we are being honest with ourselves or not. Our fear of the consequences of our radical honesty makes us prefer to look away and not connect with who we really are.
It is always a matter of what is honestly right for you to do at any given moment. This means for example saying no to going to boring birthdays or family gatherings that are not fulfilling for you, or being more honest with your colleagues and boss. Or perhaps it means taking your children out of the current education system and starting a new form of homeschooling. Or quitting your soul-sucking job and starting your own business.
Sometimes there are necessary tasks that may drain you, such as household chores or administrative work. Do them without complaining and enjoy listening to an interesting podcast or outsource them. It means that you maturely stop doing what no longer works for you, where your joy for life is extinguished and initiate what turns you on.
Open, relaxed and receptive
Wanting to concretely fill in or enforce the way we want to live our calling or what the final form should look like, in other words having our own agenda, prevents a much better manifestation than we could have imagined from coming about. What we are most passionate about does not necessarily have to be what wants to flourish as our calling. It may be that this is only our greatest passion to motivate us into action, bringing us into that relaxed open state of being, through which our calling can manifest. This often requires being confident with the emptiness at the moment when you have let go of what no longer works for you and the new has not yet taken concrete form.
Here it is important to be aware that we always create all situations in our lives with our vibration. No situation happens to us by accident. So it’s not really effective if we fight these situations; life is working for us, always.
Unlocking the natural flow of abundance
Unfortunately, our current society is not really focused on promoting our healthy natural state of abundance. This leads to poverty, burnout, depression, and all kinds of other diseases and conditions. When we collectively start listening again to the impulses of who we really are and follow our calling in every moment, these symptoms disappear. We ourselves and society then become forms of abundance; beneficial, healthy and wealthy.
We do not experience our natural state of abundance, because our thoughts and deep-rooted beliefs rigidly hold onto all kinds of ideas about how we, our lives and society should be. About what success, happiness and wealth are. We do this from a (unconscious) experience of fear and scarcity. We are thus surviving instead of truly living. We don’t know any better. If we want to experience our natural state of abundance again, we need to clear these limiting beliefs within ourselves. This can be a daunting task, as we have to let go of who we always thought we were, including all our ideas about success, status, wealth, value, happiness, good citizenship, parenthood, etc. etc. Many sacred cows will have to be challenged. This can evoke deep fears for a while, as we do not yet remember who we really are; because we cannot yet feel our nurturing natural state.
New way of living
Fortunately, we are not dependent on the outside world to live from our natural state of abundance. Contact with our own vibration of abundance is the creator of the wealthiness in our lives, and what does not resonate with us in the world around us does not affect us.
When we remember who we really are and prioritize our calling above all else, we no longer experience lack. We see that we are never lacking anything. We have everything we need at every moment to experience, create and develop what we were born for. From who we truly are we appreciate natural wealth, success and happiness. Lack of (financial) wealth only shows us that we are somehow standing in the way of the flow of our natural abundance. We then know that we are not seeing things clearly and that we have to be honest(er) with ourselves.
Step into the flow of your natural abundance today
If you also want to live from your fulfilling natural abundance and could use some help, maybe you’d like to book a Pure Alignment session now, which could give you a mega shift!
This article was first published in Dutch on